Are you looking for employees? Thousands of foreign workers are looking for you

We will help you to find each other

Today, millions of professionals are ready to change jobs and move to another country. It is not only EU citizens who are looking for new employment opportunities when migrating. Highly skilled professionals, honest workers living outside of EU can also become your excellent employees. These are people looking for new opportunities to realize themselves in foreign countries.

One question remains – how to find them and legally employ them.

The Employment Centre will help you to find the necessary workers from different countries and prepare the required documentation.

It is often difficult to find professionals and hard-working employees who know their field in Lithuania. You know that well. Expanding search geographical area will greatly increase the chances of finding the most suitable candidates. We have plenty of success stories about how foreign workers have helped to avoid specialist and labour shortages. We have been working since 2016 and successfully conduct the search and recruitment of employees in third countries: Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan.

The search of the most suitable candidate in this broad geographical context makes it easier for us to choose the most appropriate solution for your business. Once the employer formulates the task, we shall immediately start searching and selecting of personnel:

According to the wishes of a particular employer, we shall find suitable candidates in the said countries. We present them with the working conditions you offer.

Our qualified specialists organise job interviews, therefore, you can rest assured that only the most suitable candidates will be selected and recommended. All you have to do is choose the best.

When you choose the most suitable employees, we mediate by helping them come to Lithuania.

We help the selected candidates to get all the necessary documents done.
You won't have to worry about possible problems with the Labour Inspectorate. We employ workers from third countries in accordance with all the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.

What fields of workers can you contact us about?

There is a large supply of specialties. At your request, we are looking into any new field.
Currently, the most popular fields:

Construction industry

Food industry

Agricultural industry

Hotel services

Logistics industry

Car services

Textile industry

Furniture industry